
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children's Hospital Los Angeles is a nonprofit, academic, pediatric medical center, and provides the highest quality healthcare for children in Southern Californian region and beyond. Each year, more than 97,000 children are provided with pediatric health care in a setting designed just for their needs. CHLA is a research hospital and believes that it is through research we can improve the delivery of care to the children of the future.



University Medical Center Groningen

The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands and the largest employer in the Northern Netherlands. The more than 10,000 employees work in providing patient care and on cutting-edge scientific research.


Research at the UMCG is characterized by a combination of fundamental and patient oriented clinical research. The interaction between these two stimulates the development of new clinical and research opportunities. Problems that occur in the clinical practice act as a catalyst which sets new fundamental research in motion, whereas fundamental research can come up with new clinical possibilities.



Applied Biosignals

The software environment Polybench, developed by Applied Biosignals is a software system, designed for analysing and processing signals from a physiological source, and for developing measurement protocols. Polybench is able to analyse signals on-line, in real-time, as well as reprocess measurements afterwards, and then report the results in various ways. In addition to that, Polybench allows for the development of complete measurement cycles; not only signal processing, but also the design of protocols and graphical user interfaces.


Polybench may connect to any (medical) device that produces streams of data. Multiple devices may be connected to the same application, so that the relation between data of different sources can be compared. Polybench also has video processing capabilities; physiological measurements and video images can be combined and reviewed synchronously.



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